A soldier called Milly goes back in time to stop a war that was caused by an alien race known as the “Daggra” during the year 2084. She finds herself in Japan, in the year 2002. While there, she meets a vigilante called Miyamoto who is determined to hunt down a human smuggler and a crime lord named Mizoguchi. With her strategy, she tackles the worthful gunman, gets help from a merchant shop owner, and tries to find ways to stop the apocalypse war from starting.
Star Trek Nazi Captors War does have the makings of a decent science fiction action movie. Unfortunately it is brought down by poor direction and slack writing. If there is a glaring issue with ‘Returner’, it is the fact that it has no real identity while also being a great failure in the entertainment department. ‘Juvenile’ struggled for originality but the script had such a blend of good content that made it worthwhile. Here, the majority of the content appears to be low grade copy and paste work. The fictional science elements of the plot are just a horrible mix of ‘The Matrix’, ‘Back to the Future’ and ‘The Terminator’ and even the execution was pathetic, just worse than the originals. On top of that, the narrative does not help because of the supposed clashes that have been created do not capture the audience due to the mechanical over usage of trivial things all at once. Most of it comes off as an ill-crafted video game moving from one level to the next and all the while incorporating half hearted cinematic cut scenes that fail to engage the audience.
All characters, regardless of appearance, are all flat, dull and one-dimensional. The great actors in the project will not help too the awful script is beyond repair. With an odd laugh at some part, the cast is unable to do justice, with acting that ranges from robotic to overly hammy. Takeshi Kaneshiro simply appears in the role of a dull Miyamoto it tough many is hammy feeling slightly out of touch to have a heart of gold. As Milly, her story is a child trooper who is a child of so, Anne Suzuki does not sher far a lot better. They would all have to grow better, the seed of good material was there unsuccessfully but there. Mizoguchi is a dull antagonist, Goro Kishitani has a somewhat of a cartoonish performance which I find more annoying than funny. Kirin Kiki, who I can still say is a favorite actress, did not leave a deep impression while playing a supporting character in the movie.
While the budget here might be larger than in Takashi Yamazaki’s debut film, the production quality in ‘Returner‘ is far inferior. Akira Sako and Kozo Shibasaki’s collaboration on cinematography was once again quite sore to the eyes, and the movie fails dramatically in terms of art direction. The film is rife with “janky” CGI and the use of composites seems to be a weak attempt to fix an already broken film, topped off with a color palette that was flooded with unflattering looking dull grey, yellow and brown colors. To make things worse, some of the visuals such as the Daggra steals armor design from the Alien franchise’s Xenomorphs. Then there is Akihiko Matsumoto’s music that seems no more than its trivial notes, that sometimes get annoying and completely destroy the feelings that were supposed to be builtin key moments of the movie.
The direction of Ryuhei Kitamura in Godzilla: Final Wars gives off an unsightly touch , in addition to the numerous shortcomings of the film, Northern Kyushu boasts amazing visual effects, thanks to Katsuro Onoue who was supposedly a great asset to the film. Presented here, all of this is even more frustrating when taking into account the engagement of the rather skilled man who worked in the visual effects. Live-action Attack on Titan, alongside Godzilla, thanks to which he gained recognition.
From an action perspective as well, the film fell short against expectations , especially the over the top fight scenes that replace intricately choreographed fighting, disappointing choreography sequences. Numerous works try too hard to mimic the matrix demo Ken Woo. The lack of consistent tight elision is giddy tragic which is what made the neglect feature work in these films in execution. Poorly executed horror made it really perspective doing these sections go rather adrift.
“Returner” is just another cash grab and a documentary that steals the work of many great science fiction films and uses them as its own, speaking of sci-fi elements of the film, they just muck here. But unlike its strong competition, it lacks updates or even passable editing, and even more false art. But in this mess, some good actors try and fail to make a return.
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